Creative incubator for fresh new voices.
MIDPOINT Smash Cut 2024

An initial step for filmmakers who would like to learn the craft of episodic storytelling. The short-form series has established themselves as the great modern incubator of fresh, new voices of a generation of creators with something different to say.
Thanks to its diverse approach, the program caters for independent indie projects of solo creators as well as projects of creative teams.
The program provides you with all the necessary tools on how to write top-level storytelling for episodes ranging from 1 to 20 minutes.
For solo creators as well as creative teams
- experience the most efficient series storytelling format on the current market.
- develop your series concept, outline of the pilot script and season under the guidance of an experienced tutor.
- gain a deeper understanding of the creative aspects involved in the work, as well as insights into financing, and distribution strategies.
- access inspirational lectures and the possibility to receive tailor-made feedback from tutors during individual consultations.
- project presentation at Serial Killer International Series Festival
Four promising short-form series projects
Not My Circus
Slavic Science
Inspirational professional with a passion for sharing experience
Group Leader
Sullivan Le Postec
Producer Tutor

Hyppe Salmi
Guest Tutor

Gerhard Maier
Three-phase short-form series development program
4 short-form series projects working in a group, each project’s development is overseen by experienced tutors, as well as ongoing peer-feedback by fellow participants.
ALL ParticipantsOnline Pre-trainingSeptember 16 - 17, 2024 | Online
Aimed as an introductory meeting of selected creators of short-form series (up to 20 mins per episode) with a background in the audiovisual industry that want to shift to short-form series development.
LecturesHistory of Web SeriesSullivan Le Postec
September 16, 2024 | 10:30 – 11:30 CEST | OnlineStreaming video became possible in the late 1990s and, almost instantly, creators started experimenting with new ways of telling stories online. From the original boom of the do-it-yourself webseries, to Hollywood companies investing in the millions, online short-form series have made the most of their creative freedom and the possibility to connect directly with their audience.
They have proven to be a unique opportunity for creators to curate their own voice and gave birth to a young, innovative and vibrant generation of news talents.How to target your pitchHyppe Salmi
September 16, 2024 | 13:00 - 14:00 CEST | OnlineThe theme of the online lesson is defining the goals of the series or the content under development and how to present them effectively in pitching.
All ParticipantsWorkshopSeptember 23 - 29, 2024 | Brno, Czech Republic
The workshop will help the participants define their series concept, outline their pilot script and season, and will train and explain the specifics of short-form series and the difference between long-form series in storytelling. Each project will receive a tutor´s in-depth guidance as well as peer assessment from fellow participants.
Smash Cut uses lectures, group work, and individual consultations as its methodological tools. The participants will also be actively writing during the workshop working days, under the supervision of the tutors.
The program is conducted in English.
LecturesWeb Series - An Exercise in Narrative EfficiencySullivan Le Postec
September 24, 2024 | 17:00 – 18:00 | TV Institute, BrnoThe episodic length of web series has tended to grown in recent years. Still, most web episodes fall between 5 and 20+ minutes. Their core audience watches them mostly on phone and computer screens, sometimes on the go.
For those reasons, web series need to catch the attention of the audience quickly – there are always millions more YouTube video waiting to be seen. Web series must deliver as much emotions, drama, comedy and thrills than TV episodes two or three times longer. They require an intense narrative efficiency : the shorter the set-up, the longer the engaging pay-off can be!How to Create Content for and with the Young AdultsHyppe Salmi
September 25, 2024 | 9:30 - 10:00 | Divadlo Orli, BrnoFor young adults, a good story isn't enough—it must also carry social significance. The creative community emphasizes the principles of equality, justice, and responsibility, driven by a strong desire to make an impact. Yle Drama’s social media brand, Areena Stories, serves as an incubator, connecting marginalized individuals and communities with expertise.
Executive producer Hyppe Salmi presents Areena Stories genre-defining, low-budget content commissions from young media professionals, emerging production companies, students, and self-taught creators. As a case study in the open lecture is the social media fiction series Kalamaja Blues, originally developed at Midpoint Smash Cut program two years ago and is now featured in the Serial Killer screening.
Generative AI & Film - Between Hype, Hysteria & RealityGerhard Maier
September 26, 2024 | 9:30 - 10:00 | Divadlo Orli, BrnoThe last two years have been a wild ride in which Generative AI as source of images, videos, voice, music and sound has taken enormous leaps. At the same time the gap has widened between technophile proponents exploring possibilities of the new tech and professionals and audiences not up to date with current developments. This presentation gives a quick overview of the current state of Generative AI, collects findings from think tank sessions and discussions and gives a comprehensive outlook on possible future scenarios.
All participantsOnline ConsultationDecember 4, 2024 | Online

You may ask...
What is a short-form series?
In the olden golden world, you might've known these formats as "web series". The world is changing, though, and to reflect that it is the length of an episode that matters, not the channel it is delivered on (television or streaming), these are now called "short-form series".
What is the length of a short-form series episode?
A few years back, these were ranging up to 10 minutes. There is a general tendency for the episodes to grow in length, that's why we are accepting anything up to 20 minutes.
I'm developing a 10-minute per episode online show. Am I eligible?
You are our dream applicant! Smash Cut is designed specifically for short-form series. So hurry up with that application.
I have an idea of a series but it's still early development. Can I apply anyway?
Absolutely! The sooner in the development process you apply, the better. Smash Cut will help you create your show from scratch.
Can I apply with an animation or documentary series project?
Sadly, Smash Cut does not work with animation or documentary projects, as these require a different set of skills and address a different market.
Does MIDPOINT offer scholarships?
Sadly, not for this particular program. We HIGHLY recommend to submit an application to a national organization (fund, institute, ministry) at the same time you're applying to MIDPOINT Institute. You can always withdraw your application if not selected, but as the processing time of this support can be rather long, it might be quite late to do this once we confirm you're in.
What exactly is a "series pitch" or "statement of purpose"?
You can find a detailed description on all the requested submission materials on the first page of your submission form. You can access the form once you've created a profile at the MIDPOINT Visitor Page (see intructions in the "Application" folder). No worries! You can save the form anytime you like and come back to it later, and you can also save or submit any number of applications you like!
I'm a writer. Can I apply myself?
Sure. That said, we generally support and recommend arriving in a team – either of writers, or a writer and producer. It simply makes the brainstorming and creative process easier and more effective, particularly when it comes to series. But you're most welcome to apply as a single writer as well.
Can I apply with more than one project?
Of course – but we'll only choose one. :)

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