
MIDPOINT Intensive CZ 2014


Organizational infromation


November 24 - 25, 2014


A sedmy andel zatroubil

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MIDPOINT participants: Milan CieslarMilan Cieslar
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Absence blizkosti

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Ad Acta

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Horkou jehlou

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MIDPOINT participants: Ondrej BeranekTomas Hodan
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MIDPOINT participants: Tomas Baldynsky
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Rybi krev

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MIDPOINT participants: Jakub MahlerOndrej Provaznik
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Sumavsky bes

Synopsis of this project is not available.
MIDPOINT participants: Lubos SvobodaLubos SvobodaLumir Tucek
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Group Leaders

Milena Jelinek
United States  
Milena Jelinek působí na Columbia University jako profesorka scenáristiky. V současnosti pracuje také pro Mediterranean Film Institute jako konzultantka scénářů. Milena Jelinek má rozsáhlé zkušenosti ...
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Martin Daniel
United States  
Martin Daniel is a screenwriter, teacher of screenwriting and script analyst with extensive international experience. He currently teaches at the University of Southern California and at Binger Film ...
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Guest Tutor

Gyula Gazdag
United States  
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