Leon Lucev
Leon Lučev was born in Šibenik in 1970. He has been acting since 1993. He graduated from the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb. His teachers included Neva Rošić, Koraljka Hrs, Marija Kohn, Lee Delong, Joanna Merlin, Scott Fielding, Tomi Janežić, among others. He has been engaged in research in the field of "the art of acting" since 1998. He has been conducting lectures and workshops in the field of arts from 2007 to
the present. As an educator for actors and directors, he has collaborated with the Sarajevo Talent Campus, and as an associate professor with the Academy of Arts in Split, the Academy of Arts in Rijeka, and the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. He has led acting masterclasses (specialized training for professional actors) in Austria (Vienna), Tunisia (Carthage), the Netherlands (Amsterdam), and Hungary (Budapest). He has also
collaborated by leading workshops for the public in Arsen House of Art, Art Cinema Rijeka, Gaia - Pula, Cressendo - Sisak, Ante Peterlić Media School, Bunker - Samobor...
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