Network / People
Veronika Jelsikova
Czech Republic
Originally from Tabor, Czech Republic. She has studied at CalArts, worked writing coverage for acclaimed producer Dan Halsted and worked on Jiri Menzel’s last film. She is currently enrolled at FAMU’s production BC and has produced more than a dozen short films.
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Participant in MIDPOINT programs:
Tutor / Lecturer in MIDPOINT programs:
Related projects:
At the End of a String
BOY(13) grows up in a boarding school. He finds his only friend in an old and sick gardener, what he doesn’t know is that this man is actually the KING. The King teaches the Boy all he knows - ...
For the Love of Prague
Late October, 1959. A confused, nervous American animator is being transported deep behind the Iron Curtain on a Soviet-built plane. As Gene Deitch observes the checkerboard green farm fields below ...
For the Love of Prague
Late October, 1959. A confused, nervous American animator is being transported deep behind the Iron Curtain on a Soviet-built plane. As Gene Deitch observes the checkerboard green farm fields below ...
Na konci nitě
Na konci nitě je lyrický příběhe o potulném Kejklíři a herci, který teprve s příchodem vlastní smrti zjistí, že celý život prožil v ústraní a na útěku před falešným obviněním, aniž by poznal radost ...
Na konci nitě
Na konci nitě je lyrický příběhe o potulném Kejklíři a herci, který teprve s příchodem vlastní smrti zjistí, že celý život prožil v ústraní a na útěku před falešným obviněním, aniž by poznal radost ...
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