Network / People

Peter Gasparik

Profession: WriterWriter
Country: Slovakia

Peter Gašparík graduated in screenwriting at Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, Slovakia. During his studies of screenwriting and script editing, Peter took active part in screenwriting and dramaturgy of several live-action, documentary and animated short films. He made his feature debut with the first ever Slovak horror film Evil (Zlo) in 2012, and continued with his 2015 drama film The Cleaner (Čistič) which premiered at the main competition of the International Film Festival Warsaw.

Peter Gašparík absolvoval štúdium scenáristiky na Vysokej škole múzických umení v Bratislave. Počas štúdia sa ako scenárista a dramaturg podieľal na viacerých hraných, dokumentárnych a animovaných krátkych filmoch. Jeho celovečerným scenáristickým debutom bol prvý slovenský hororový film Zlo v roku 2012, v roku 2015 jeho film Čistič premiéroval v hlavnej súťaži Medzinárodného filmového festivalu Varšava.

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