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Network / People

Indre Bruckute

Profession: Writer
Indre Bruckute was born in Klaipeda, Lithuania. She finished sreenwriting studies in Lithuanian Music and Theatre academy in 2017. She has been working in theatre and cinema industry since 2013 – taking part in organizing European Film Forum Scanorama (2014-2016), creating and organizing Theatre festival „Dramokratija“ (2014 – present), writing and working as a dramaturg for theatre (eg. - „Hotel Universalis“(2019); „Vieniši.“ (2018) by director Augustas Gornatkevicius) and in several different positions (scriptwriter, script superviser) in advertising and cinema. She works as a freelance writer since 2018.
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Participant in MIDPOINT programs:

Tutor / Lecturer in MIDPOINT programs:

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A wealthy 40 years old narcissistic man starts loosing his sight, so after the doctor's confirmation, that soon he will become completely blind, he at any price decides to memorise every single ...
Project detail

Meet MIDPOINT alumni—writers, script consultants, and development executives ready to bring stories to life!