Network / People
Doruntina Basha
is an award-winning playwright from Prishtina (Kosovo). She obtained her BA degree at the University of Prishtina in Playwriting and Screenwriting, and her MA from the EU Erasmus Mundus Masters PRogram ‚Crossways in European Humanities‘, from the consortium of universitites comprising of University of St. Andrews (UK), Universita degli studi di Bergamo (IT), Universite de Perpignan Via Domitia (FR). Her 2011 play ‚Gishti‘ (The Fingerú won in 2012 the Golden Aurel in the category ‚Best Balkan Contemporary Play‘ in MESS International Theater Festival Sarajevo, and in 2011 the Best Socially Engaged Contemporary Play, in a Western Balkan drama competition organized by Heartefact Fund, Belgrade (Serbia). Her plays have been published in Kosovo, Serbia, France and UK, and they have been translated in BHS, MAcedonian, English, French, Italian and German. She worked in television in Kosovo. She’s also the author of several scripts for short films produced in Kosovo.
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Participant in MIDPOINT programs:
Tutor / Lecturer in MIDPOINT programs:
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MIDPOINT participants:
Doruntina Basha
Vera dreams of the Sea
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