Barbara Jukopila
Born on November 23, 1987 in Pula (Croatia); graduated in Film, TV and Theatre Production (BA) from the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb. She also has a Master degree from the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb, in major: Production of Audiovisual and Multimedia Projects. After finishing her studies she founded her company U SVOM FILMU.
She produced feature film FLEKE (SPOTS), directed by Aldo Tardozzi, which premiered at Sarajevo film festival 2011. and won awards at FEST and Rising Star Award at Canada Film Festival. She has also produced several shorts, such as TORTA S ČOKOLADOM (THE CHOCOLATE CAKE), directed by Dorotea Vučić and CRVENO (RED), directed by Sonja Tarokić. Her short fiction film SIGURAN LET (SAFE FLIGHT), directed by Aldo Tardozzi, is at the moment in pre-‐production.
She is executive producer of feature documentary in U POTRAZI ZA IZGUBLJENOM DRŽAVOM (IN SEARCH OF A LOST COUNTRY), directed by Marija Ratković Vidaković. She has also produced a pilot for tv series BRAK JE MRAK, for tv station RTL Croatia (Croatian version of French series SCENES DE MENAGES). The pilot was screened on RTL Croatia.
She worked as assistant director or production assistant on feature films (Zg80, directed by Igor Šeregi; Love Island, directed by Jasmila Žbanić…) and tv commercials (production companies: Kinoteka and Kabinet). She attended film workshops and forums such as Cinelink, Euro Connection Clermont-‐Ferrand, MFI Script 2 Film, Ex Oriente, BDC, Sarajevo talent campus, When East Meets Wets – Trieste, Film business in developing markets during Dubrovnik film meeting 2011., Balance between creativity and strategy in scriptwriting by script doctor Miguel Machalski…

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