Network / People
Andreas Phylactou
Andreas spends most of his career as a professional actor since 2009. His experience let him to the conclusion that the TV industry in Cyprus was not hospitable to out of the box thinking and the obstacles for the creators were huge. The decision was easy, find the way to disrupt the system and create the environment for all the creatives to express their art freely. He then founded Black Lemon TV, a platform for innovative contemporary storytelling.
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Participant in MIDPOINT programs:
Tutor / Lecturer in MIDPOINT programs:
Related projects:
There is a city on the small Mediterranean island of Cyprus, festering with crime and corruption, ruled by the few who benefit from the chaos. Zoe, Makis and Phivos, lost souls in their mid 30’s, ...
MIDPOINT participants:
Andreas PhylactouAndreas PhylactouAndreas SheittanisChristina TryphonosChristina Tryphonos
There is a city on the small Mediterranean island of Cyprus, festering with crime and corruption, ruled by the few who benefit from the chaos. Zoe, Makis and Phivos, lost souls in their mid 30’s, ...
MIDPOINT participants:
Andreas PhylactouAndreas PhylactouAndreas SheittanisChristina TryphonosChristina Tryphonos
Meet MIDPOINT alumni—writers, script consultants, and development executives ready to bring stories to life!