Network / Projects

Black Winds

Participated in: MIDPOINT Series Launch 2024
Country: Israel

After the mysterious suicide of their friend, two Israeli-Ethiopian men embark on a quest to prove he was murdered by policemen- thus uncovering a dark truth about their friend and their community.

ADAM (30) a young and promising Israeli-Ethiopian, returns to his home town after years of studying away. A celebratory night with his friends ends up with a clash between Adam, his best friend YOSEF (30) and the Police. A clash that will set off a chain of events that’ll end with Yosef unexpectedly taking his own life.

 Alongside Yosef’s younger brother DANIEL (25), Adam embarks on a mission to prove Yosef was actually murdered by policemen. The quest for justice will lead the two men into the dark corners of Israeli racial and hierarchical structure as they uncover dark truths about their friends, their communities and themselves. The inevitable clash of the two heroes with the “bigger system” will eventually lead them to confront each other, as they stray apart from one another, trying to get their own way of justice for Yosef.

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