Network / People

Vojko Anzeljc

Profession: DirectorWriter
Country: Slovenia

Vojko Anzeljc was born in Ljubljana in 1970, where he still lives and works. He is the father of two children; Lan works in film production, while Eva is a student of painting. In the last decade, Vojko has also been active as a painter. He has been working as a director and screenwriter for over 30 years. At the beginning of his artistic career, he created numerous commercials and music videos. He then co- founded the Mangart Production Group, where he works as a director and screenwriter. The first TV show they created was a series of entertaining documentary portraits called "Odklop" (Disconnect). For two consecutive years, it won the Viktor Award for the best TV show. Later, they created a series of other TV shows such as "Adrenalina" and "Naša generacija" (Our Generation). He directed and worked as a screenwriter on various TV series. The first was the comedic series "TV Dober dan" (TV Good Morning), with which the Mangart Production Group pioneered comedic drama series in Slovenia. Under his direction, TV series such as "Čokoladne sanje" (Chocolate Dreams), "Trafika" (Newsstand), "Začnimo znova" (Let's Start Again), "Nova dvajseta" (New Twenties), "Ena žlahtna štorija" (A Noble Story), "Srečno samski" (Happily Single), "V imenu ljudstva" (In the Name of the People), and others were created. In 2000, he directed the feature film "Zadnja večerja" (The Last Supper), which was the third most-watched Slovenian film at the time and received numerous international awards. He also directed the feature-length comedy documentary "Gola resnica" (Naked Truth), the drama documentary "Sfinga" (Sphinx), the documentary "Aljažev stolp" (Aljaž's Tower), and the feature film for youth "Rdeča raketa" (Red Rocket). Throughout his thirty-year career, he has gained experience as a director, screenwriter, editor, and producer. As a director, he also participated in the stage productions of the musicals "Cvetje v jeseni" (Blossoms in Autumn) and "Vesna." Works such as "Odklop," "TV Dober dan," "Zadnja večerja," "Ena žlahtna štorija," and "V imenu ljudstva" are in a way milestones in Slovenian TV and film production. It can be said that Vojko Anzeljc is one of the most experienced filmmakers in Slovenia.

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