Sailing Close to the Wind
Failed by system and institutions, young man decides to take justice in his own hands. Can he escape his own destiny?
Split is typical Mediterranean city on the southern coast of Croatia, and Roko is a young sailor who just returned home from a long navigation on the ocean freighter. He comes from a family with an abusive father and a mentally ill mother, and all he wants is to gather the money to buy an apartment and be independent. Roko discovers that his younger brother owes a lot of money to drug dealers. He tries to stay away from brother and his problems, but now dealers are after him and his money. Police don’t protect him and institutions don't help at all. Roko experiences a psychotic breakdown, he takes a Kalashnikov and kills drug dealers in the broad daylight in the tourist-packed city center.

Project team:
Meet MIDPOINT alumni—writers, script consultants, and development executives ready to bring stories to life!