Next generation of Central and Eastern European series-content professionals and Series Launch 2022 participants had gathered again from November 17 to November 23, 2022 for Workshop 3, within the framework of Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event.
MIDPOINT Series Launch 2022 projects successfully presented at Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event!

The nine projects of the 2022 edition have already been through an intense 8-month training, co-funded by the European Union. Since starting in April 2022, they’ve worked on their concepts, pilot scripts, season outlines, as well as the partnership and development financial structures for their projects, under the supervision of their core tutors, guest tutors and a producer tutor.
The third and final workshop, held within the framework of the Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event and its TV Beats market, offering debates, panels, lectures, case studies, master classes and the pitching presentation of all projects and participants within, was focused on polishing their development strategies, and, subsequently, widening the networking, marketing and financing options for the projects. The workshop culminated in a pitching session open for industry professionals, followed by one-on-one meetings.
The season finale pitching event, opened for all accredited industry guests, took place on November 21, 2022. Find the photoreport below.
MIDPOINT Series Launch, an "idea-to-market" project development program is the only existing residential, project-based program targeting and tailoring its content for emerging television professionals – both creative teams and development executives - coming from the Central and Eastern European region and the only project-based program of this kind accepting mini-series, digital / web series, as well as ongoing series projects.
The program focuses on participants primarily coming from Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, the Baltic countries and the wider Mediterranean area, with a possible background in filmmaking or with previous experience in TV writing, wanting to transition into quality television production.
The 2023 call for applications is now open.
MIDPOINT Series Launch is realized with the support of Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union, the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and the Czech Film Fund. It is presented in cooperation with Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event, Series mania, APA, Art Department Masterclass, Meeting Point Vilnius, NEM, C21 Media, Serial Eyes and Media Change. MIDPOINT Institute operates under the auspices of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague.

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