Network / Projects
We Used to Live in a Tree
Original title:
We Used to LIve in a Tree
Participated in:
MIDPOINT Midnight Sun 2016
At a party in an art gallery in the center of Prague, PETER (38) introduces his wife MARION (35) to
his longtime Australian friend ELENA (29). During their nighttime ride home, Marion teases Peter,
joking that he and Elena would make a nice couple. Peter defends his intentions, saying that Elena
is a lesbian. However, at the party, Elena mentioned her male ex-partners to Marion. This
information is new to Peter and leaves him wondering.!
Peter makes his living as a musician and spends his mornings taking care of the couple’s children,
SAM (4) and CLAIRE (7). In the afternoons Marion comes home from work to spend the rest of the
day with the children. Marion starts Skyping and messaging with Elena, who in the meantime has
gone back to Australia. One day, Peter answers Elena’s Skype call instead of Marion. He is
surprised to see Elena scantily dressed and to find out that she is regularly in touch with Marion.
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