Network / Projects

Open Door

Original title: Dere e Hapur
ELMA, 20 years old and seven months pregnant, is taking the morning flight from Rome, Italy back to her native Albania. Back in Albania, Elma’s sister, RUDINA, leaves her miserable factory job, goes to pick up her five year old son, ORJON, from school then hurries to the airport to meet Elma. When Elma gets off the plane, Rudina is disappointed to find her sister very pregnant. Months before, Rudina had loaned Elma the money to get an abortion, after Elma was abandoned by her Albanian boyfriend. Rudina, Elma and Orjon set off on a long car journey toward the village of their strict and traditional middle aged FATHER. Rudina’s plan is to meet their father, who will surely be upset to find Elma pregnant, and head back to her own home to make dinner for her husband’s parents. As Rudina’s old VW slowly makes its way across southern Albania, Elma does everything she can to stop her sister from getting to their destination.
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