Network / Projects

Mild Miracles

Participated in: MIDPOINT Series Launch 2024
Country: Croatia

Two of God’s “emissaries” are in Croatia to answer people’s banal prayers which God has no time for. By no means almighty, they do their best to fulfil prayers no mater how strange they are.

Every second there are thousands of prayers sent to Go. He’s got no time to answer all of them so he has his “emissaries” all around the world to attend those prayers. Every prayer sent to God is a mission to be fulfilled by them. These emissaries are not almighty, they don’t perform miracles, because they are human like everyone else around them. The only difference is that they work for God. We follow two of them in Croatia navigating through local culture and the banality of daily issues .
On their quest of solving prayers they attend everyday modern problems known to Croatians and Balkans, such as nepotism, corruption, envy, traditionalism...

God doesnt tell them how to solve those prayers, so our heroes get in absurd situations with the locals, but they always get the job done even if it’s not how they imagined it.

The prayers they attend to are everyday modern problems known to Croatians and Balkans, such as nepotism, corruption, envy, traditionalism…

God doesn’t tell them how to solve these problems, so they usually find themselves in absurd situations with the locals, but they always get the job done.

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