Network / People

Juliane Schulze

Country: Germany

Juliane Schulze is a Strategic Creative Economy Expert in Business, Finance, Investment and Sustainability. She was member of the board of Media Deals, established in 2008 as a pan-European investor network constituted of business angels and early-stage venture capital funds focusing on creative economy and digital media. At the same time, she was Senior Partner at strategic financing consultancy peacefulfish, founded in 2001.

As Executive Advisor with more than 30 years of experience in the creative economy, Juliane holds an extensive cross-industrial knowledge, consults European and international funding institutions and business agencies, and specialises in financing and business strategies for audiovisual and technology driven entrepreneurs. As coach and mentor, she supports founders and SMEs in investment readiness and access to finance and lectures at international festivals, conferences, and international business summits.

Juliane is Director of Investors Lab Berlin, Fellow at the Competence Centre Cultural and Creative Industries of the Federal Republic of Germany, she lectures at the Free University Berlin and at Eave (European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs), and at several industry events. She is board member of European Women’s Audiovisual Network (EWA) as well as ambassador of GEMM (Gender Equality Media Management).

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