Network / People

Gaia Tridente

Country: Italy
Ph.D. in Cinema and Television Studies hold in 2005, Gaia Tridente is an experienced international media consultant with specific expertise in development and editorial strategy on TV and digital contents. Former Programming Director for Taormina Film Fest, Europa Cinema and Bifest film festivals, for 10 years she has been working for the international TV festival RomaFictionFest, appointed Head of International Programming until the latest edition of the festival in 2016. With a fresh and keen media industry inside and in-depth knowledge of television and digital landscape, since 2016 she is working as Strategic & Development Consultant for Italian independent production and distribution companies. On the strength of the market’s fast-expanding television slate, she has recently been appointed Manager of TV Division (MIA|TV) at MIA Market in Rome, responsible for the editorial strategy and operation of the overall TV division, focusing on drama series international coproduction.
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