Carlota Dans
Part of Portocabo’s development team since 2018, Carlota is a promising writer involved in many in house developments. As a writer she has ample experience in crime drama following the character driven series that have become Portocabo’s recognizable brand. She became head writer during the second season of Dry Water. Has participated in the writers room and editing of Honor. As well as the editorial editing of the Portocabo’s staple kids live action, The Argonauts and the Golden Coin. As an esencial part of the content department Carlota has writen inhouse developments that will become future success in the company.
Carlota has also participated in the writing of Flooxer series + than 100 lies and Nuestros hijos/Our Children, a short film directed by Cecilia Gessa.
Participant in MIDPOINT programs:
Tutor / Lecturer in MIDPOINT programs:
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