
MIDPOINT Writers' Room 2021


An international writers' room simulation with unique talent.


The new generation of Europe's series writing talents

Observing producers


Inspirational professionals with a passion to share their experience

To ensure the most complex approach to training, Writers' Room works with established and well-respected industry names coming from different backgrounds. This allows the participants to experience writers' room simulation from different perspectives.

Giacomo Durzi
Attended courses at the London Film School and later graduated from Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Rome, after completing university studies in Law. Durzi is a screenwriter/director and ...
Complete bio
Michael Hjorth
Creative veteran. Writer and Independent Producer. Started writing television in Sweden in the 90’s. Co-founded Tre Vänner a production company with two other writers based on a very successful ...
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Guest Tutors

Maggie Murphy
United States  
Complete bio


Writers' room simulation from different perspectives

Selected participants are offered lectures tackling the organization of a writers' room as well as addressing the structure of a pilot episode and season. Majority of the workshop time is dedicated to a writers’ room simulation led by experienced professionals.

  • All Participants
    October 16–22, 2021 | Obristvi, Czech Republic

    The workshop offers the possibility of enhancing the craft and writing skills, plotting and writing exercises, knowledge and skills connected to the processes occurring during scripted series writing, such as creative teamwork, joint brainstorming, and creating or following one unified narrative voice and vision as well as the structure of a series episode itself.

    Observing producers
    The workshop offers an observant role with a unique opportunity to explore a professional writers’ room led by experienced mentors.

    Breaking into the writer's room. What is it and how does it work?
    Giacomo Durzi
    October 18, 2021, 9:00 a.m. | Obristvi, Czech Republic

    A look at behind the scenes of these sacred spots where tv series are conceived, written and refined, where you give birth to the characters and define the story, the structure and all aspects of writing for original dramas. After focusing on what happens and who works in a writer's room, we'll then focus on the differences with the writing for cinema and how the creative process unfolds in a television series.

    The Alpha and the Omega
    Maggie Murphy
    October 19, 2021, 6:00 p.m. | Obristvi, Czech Republic

    Ms. Murphy will discuss the highlights of the most powerful and critical parts of your script… The beginning and the end. In this market of television where there are hundreds of shows to watch - how can you break out of the clutter? It is critical to hook the audience in the first 10 or 15 pages. This is the heart of your show… the make it or break it. Maggie will screen an assortment of iconic pilot openings and analyze why they keep the audience mesmerized. There will also be discussion on the ending of your pilot and how it must also be equally strong to bring the audience back for more.

    Pitching a Second Season
    Michael Hjorth
    October 20, 2021, 9:00 a.m. | Obristvi, Czech Republic

    Mr. Hjorth will focus on what is the key decisive factor in a writers' room: the creative collaboration, using a familiar character driven show as an example.

Alumni program

Next Season

Expert lectures based on the needs and knowledge gaps of MIDPOINT series programs alumni will be organized in 2022. More info coming soon.


An exclusive opportunity to experience writers' room's unique creative atmosphere


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