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MIDPOINT TV Launch 2021: Call for Applications!

Apply with your series project to TV Launch till January 31, 2021

"An excellent program with excellent talent." Steve Matthews, HBO

prosince 09, 2020 programs

TV Launch / Series Development

TV Launch is residential “idea-to-market” training program for drama series developed by emerging professionals coming from the Central and Eastern European region.

The program accepts both limited or ongoing long form series

The 9 selected projects go through an intensive 3-module program and are built from the “bottom-up”: the training focuses on defining the series concept and theme, completing the pilot, creating season arc, season outlines, pitching documents and a financing strategy. 

The projects will be showcased and pitched within the Season Finale platform in Tallinn, Estonia, within Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event

The best series project receives the HBO Europe Award of 5.000 USD.  

Workshop 1/ the Czech Republic: May 2021
Workshop 2/ TBA: summer 2021
Workshop 3/ Tallinn, Estonia (within Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event): end of November 2021 

The program schedule and the form of the organization inevitably depend on the development of the coronavirus pandemic situation.

The training also includes online consultations with tutors in between the residential workshops. 

PROJECTS – teams of writers and producers

The call for Development Executive participants will not be opened this year, since we will continue with the participants selected for 2020 edition, who could not participate in the training due to program changes imposed by the coronavirus pandemic and restrictions.

1800 EUR per participant for the whole training.
The tuition, board and accommodation is offered within the participation fee. Travel costs should be covered by the participants themselves. 

DEADLINE: January 31, 2021 


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