When in Cannes, be sure to join the INDUSTRY OPPORTUNITIES FOR SHORTS IN DEVELOPMENT AND POST-PRODUCTION panel on Tuesday, May 23 at 3:30 pm @Palais Stage!
MIDPOINT Institute at Festival de Cannes: Short Film Corner Industry Panel
května 17, 2023
Sona Morgenthalova, the program coordinator of MIDPOINT Shorts will be moderating this panel and (among other things) talking about our support of short films in development with Sigrid Hadenius-Ebner (Uppsala Short Film Festival), Macarena Herrera Bravo (The Short Film Lab), Ali Khechen (Doha Film Institute), Julie Marnay (European Short Pitch), Julie Rousson (Clermont-Ferrand Int’l Short FilmFestival & Market), Sarah Schlüssel (Berlinale Talents), Christoph Terhechte (DOK Leipzig).
This panel should reveal everything you want to know about the dedicated support provided to development of short film projects and their makers!