Now reading: MIDPOINT Cold Open selects nine producers for the 2021 edition


MIDPOINT Cold Open selects nine producers for the 2021 edition

Second edition of the program organized in collaboration with When East Meets West will run online January 25–28, 2021.

ledna 12, 2021 programs

MIDPOINT Cold Open targets independent producers, with a background in feature film producing, aspiring to shift to high quality television content and offers a diverse selection of 8 participating countries. 


For this year’s edition, following producers were selected:

Anna M. Bofarull / Spain

Andraz Jeric / Slovenia

Juraj Krasnohorsky / Slovakia

Irina Malcea-Candea / Romania

Patrice Nezan / France

Sarah Pennacchi / Italy

Radovan Sibrt / Czech Republic

Ada Solomon / Romania

Claudia Suemeghy / Hungary


Gabor Krigler (Joyrider) and Marike Muselaers (Lumiere Group) will act as the tutors. The program, consisting of group sessions and individual consultations, will also offer two lectures. Gabor Krigler will talk about The idea to spawn a thousand stories (and how to run with it).

Accredited WEMW guests can join the lecture by Marike Muselaers entitled How to find the right partners in this fast-paced, ever changing TV market?, scheduled to take place January 26, 2021, 11 a.m. CET.

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