Now reading: 'Little Harbour' wins Crystal Bear


'Little Harbour' wins Crystal Bear

Little Harbour by Iveta Grofova, a MIDPOINT Intensive SK 2014 alumnus project, received the Crystal Bear for Best Film at the Berlinale Generation Kplus section.

února 20, 2017 success stories

Little Harbour celebrated its World Premiere at the prestigious festival. Iveta Grofova, the director of the film, personally accepted the award from the Children's Jury granting the prize.

According to the jury, they selected "a film that is creative and authentic. It's about two children who create a little world of their own rules". The jury also thought the story was very moving and the actors were very believable, too. 

Little Harbour, based on a book by Slovak writer Monika Kompanikova, graduated the MIDPOINT Intensive SK program under tutor and script editor Martin Daniel in 2014. 

Congratulations to the entire team!

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Little Harbour

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MIDPOINT participants: Iveta Grofova, Iveta Grofova, Iveta Grofova
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